Altre Arti, Gadgets

Alexander’s mosaic print

Good day everyone, I’m Elena and I thank you for being on Alessandro III di Macedonia – your resource on Alexander the Great and Hellenism.

Last August I went to see the “Alessandro Magno e l’Oriente” exhibition at the MANN in Naples and one thing I absolutely wanted was to buy one or a couple of gadgets related to ours or the famous Alexander Mosaic which unfortunately I couldn’t see because it was being restored.

The disappointment was in the museum’s Electa shop seeing how little they focused on merchandising for the exhibition and the Mosaic in general because there was nothing special about them. Just a bookmark and a postcard with the Mosaic and I bought them because there wasn’t much else. I already had all the books on sale, apart from one on the museum which I purchased, but my dream of getting some gadgets as a true fan has faded.

I settled for a print of the Mosaic on sugar paper, in dimensions 30 x 45 cm (11.81 x 17.71 inch). In the lower part the stamp has a brand with Pompei (Pompeii) written. It wasn’t cheap but I bought it because there was nothing else with which I could satisfy my “thirst for gadgets” and in any case it’s a nice picture to hang on my wall.

Here are the press photos.

Thank you all, have a nice day,

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